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the operation transformation

How Are We More Effective Than A typical Gym?

The Operation Transformation by Juh Berumbak is a weight management program. While having fun, you will learn about weight loss techniques, setting goals, exercise and behavior modification as well as support groups. Our goal is to help you to adapt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Motivation will get you started but discipline that keeps you going. You’re about to get motivated and be held accountable to your long-term goals. No giving up allowed!

The power of this group will make you stronger and it’s way more fun than going at it alone! We work as a TEAM to help one another beat temptations and learn to make the best choices. Friendship and relationships are build continuously more than the program itself.


Obesity is a worrying trend in Malaysia. This program will give you a starting platform to get started from whatever level of fitness you are.


Our emphasis is always on health and fitness education. It is a program where participants learn about calorie needs, food management, exercise and more.


Have you ever started a fitness program and then quit? If you answered yes, you're not alone. Many people start fitness programs, but they may stop when they get bored, they don't enjoy it. Here, we believe that exercise should feel more like play than work. In a group of people with same goals and motivation, our 30-60 minutes workout will push and discover the best for you. We want to help you become stronger, faster, leaner and healthier version of you.


All you need to do now is to show up, have a good sweat and burn fat!

let's get it started!

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